Revision 6:2021
1. The name of the Waterside Guild of Woodcarvers has been changed to Waterside Woodcarvers.
2. Mr I Fountain to be known as the Founder Member of the Waterside Guild of Woodcarvers, now known as Waterside Woodcarvers.
Purpose of the Waterside Woodcarvers
3. It is to encourage past, present and future members to share their interest in woodcarving by meetings, demonstrations, discussions, visits and to display their work at exhibitions.
4a. Funds to be raised by subscriptions of members, entry fees to guests, raffles and by other fund-raising activities. Finances are controlled at all times by at least two signatories who are also elected members of the committee, whose signatures will be deposited at the bank or recorded via online banking.
4b. Finances to be audited annually if requested by the committee and to be presented at each current AGM.
4c. Dissolution. Should the number of subscribing members fall to a level whereby viability between income and expenditure is drastically impaired, consideration must be given to the possible demise of the Waterside Woodcarvers. If no solution is reached after careful exploration, the committee should call an EGM, giving members at least 21 days notice. At the EGM a vote should be taken to pass the motion to close the group. At least 25% of members should be present and the motion passed with a simple majority. After meeting any financial obligations, an audit should be made and assets distributed equally between existing members at the time of dissolution who have been paid-up members of at least two years duration.
5a. Members must be aged 16 years or over and have paid an annual subscription. Honorary members will not pay a subscription.
5b. Membership subscriptions cover 1st January to 31st December. It will be up to the committee to decide if the subscription fee should be reduced for anyone joining part way through the year.
5c. Non-members may pay guest fees at social events.
5d. Subscriptions to be reviewed annually by the committee and approved at the AGM for the following year.
5e. Members must provide personal contact details and a ‘Next of Kin’ details in case of an emergency.
5f. The Committee shall have the right to decline an application for membership and to terminate membership where it is deemed to be in the best interests of the club.
Committee Members
6a. The committee shall comprise of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and up to 5 members.
6b. Nominations for election of new and existing committee members at the AGM must be lodged with the Secretary at least one week prior to the AGM.
6c. All nominees to be proposed and seconded with prior consent of nominee.
6d. Committee meetings to be attended by at least 4 members, including at least one of Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary.
Honorary Members
8a Proposed names for Hon. Members to be submitted to committee for discussion at a future meeting.
8b. Selection of Hon. Members to be ratified by the committee.
8c. Qualification of Hon. Members would be for service rendered to Waterside Woodcarvers.
9a. An Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in the first quarter of the year and members given notification at least 4 weeks beforehand.
9b. Proposed changes to the constitution to be submitted 4 weeks before the AGM to the Secretary. At least 25% of voting members to be present at the AGM for discussion of amendments to the constitution.
10. The committee shall maintain and publish a Data Storage Policy and Safeguarding Policy, both of which should be reviewed annually and amended if necessary.
11. The club shall maintain Insurance to cover accidents and 3rd party damage.